Cloud Migration Services

At Cynosure Cloud, we specialize in migrating various systems and platforms to Cloud Platform.

This includes transitioning from VMware, on-premises environments, AWS, Azure, as well as migrating both custom applications and web applications. Our comprehensive and structured approach is tailored to address your unique business needs, focusing on key aspects like assessment, roadmap creation, strategy development, planning, cost optimization, and security.

1. Assessment

Our team conducts a thorough assessment of your existing infrastructure. This involves understanding your current applications, data, security requirements, and business workflows. We utilize this insight to define a tailored cloud migration approach that aligns with your business objectives.

2. Strategy and Roadmap

We devise a strategic plan for your migration to Google Cloud. This includes a detailed roadmap outlining the phases of the migration process, potential risks, and strategies for risk mitigation.

3. VMware to Cloud Migration

Migrate your VMware workloads directly into Cloud Platform. Our team ensures a smooth transition from your VMware infrastructure to Google Cloud, enabling you to enjoy the benefits of improved scalability, agility, and cost savings.

4. On-Premises to Cloud Platform Migration

The transition from your on-premises infrastructure to Cloud Platform with ease. We ensure a smooth migration of your databases, applications, and workloads while maintaining business continuity and minimizing downtime.

5. AWS to Cloud Migration

Move from AWS to Google Cloud seamlessly. Leverage Google's machine learning capabilities, robust data analytics, and cost optimization through a smooth and secure transition led by our experts.

6. Azure to Cloud Migration

Transition your workloads from Microsoft Azure to Google Cloud Platform. Our team ensures a smooth migration, maintaining data integrity and minimizing disruption to your business operations.

7. Custom Application Migration

Migrate your custom applications to Cloud Platform to enhance their scalability, security, and performance. Our team can handle the transition, ensuring the application's enhanced performance in the Cloud environment.

8. Web Application Migration

Migrate your web applications to Cloud platform, leveraging Google's global network, scalability, and security. Experience improved performance, availability, and lower latency with our web application migration services.

9. Migration Planning

We develop a detailed migration plan, considering factors like interdependencies, potential downtime, and backup strategies to ensure a successful migration.

10. Cost Optimization

Our experts analyze your workloads and recommend the optimal mix of Cloud resources, helping you achieve cost optimization. We guide you on managing and monitoring your cloud expenditure for maximum ROI.

11. Security and Compliance

We ensure your migration to Cloud Plaatform adheres to industry security standards and regulations. We leverage Google Cloud's robust security features to protect your data and applications.

12. Migration Execution

Our team carries out the migration according to the roadmap and plan. We employ proven methodologies and advanced Cloud tools, ensuring data integrity and minimal downtime.

13. Post-Migration Support

Our service doesn’t end with the migration. Post-migration, we validate the performance and functionality of the migrated applications, provide training to your team, and offer continued support.

Choose Cynosure Cloud to ensure a smooth and successful migration to the Google Cloud Platform, fueling your business growth and digital transformation.

Why Choose Cynosure Cloud?

1. Premier Google Cloud Partner

As a top-tier Google Cloud Partner, we have demonstrated exceptional skills and success in helping businesses migrate to Google Cloud Platform. Our relationship with Google provides us with direct access to their resources, training, and support, ensuring that we can provide you with the highest standard of service.

2. Expert Technical Team

Our technical team comprises certified professionals who possess an in-depth understanding of Google Cloud technologies. Their expertise ensures that your migration is seamless, efficient, and free of the technical hitches that can often accompany such a complex process.

3. Cost-Effective Solutions

While we provide top-tier technical service, we're also conscious of your bottom line. We work diligently to provide the most cost-effective solutions for your business, ensuring that you can make the most of your IT budget without compromising on quality or functionality.

4. Offshore Delivery Center

With our offshore delivery center, we are can provide round-the-clock support and service to our clients, regardless of their location. This also allows us to execute projects in a timely manner and deliver solutions when you need them.

5. Proven Track Record

We have a proven track record of successful cloud migrations for mid-market businesses in the United States. Our clients consistently praise our technical acumen, our efficient project management, and our ability to deliver high-quality solutions on time and within budget.

6. Tailored Approach

We understand that every business is unique. We tailor our approach to suit your specific business needs, goals, and context, ensuring a personalized migration plan that gets the best results for your organization.